Welcome to the Sun Safe Workplaces Newsfeed. Below you will find news and updates about our progress in helping UK Workplaces keep their employees safe in the sun

Friday, 27 February 2015

Crown Group Completes Step 1 towards becoming a Sun Safe Workplace - Risk Assessment

Congratulations to Crown Group for completing a UVR Exposure Risk Assessment for their employees.

“Online resource is great, had to adapt to fit in with our internal method of risk asessment but think this has been achieved. As well as doing the general risk assessments we also do specific assessment for every task. I am currently looking into the posibility of intergrating a "quick check" into this as a reminder when guys arrive at site.”

(David Green - Crown Group)

Friday, 29 August 2014

JCB Service Completes Step 3 towards becoming a Sun Safe Workplace - Training Employees about Solar UVR

Congratulations to JCB Service for training employees about solarUVR, the prevention and early detection of skin cancer and how to work safely in the sun.

“Conclusion and Feedback

This has been a really beneficial campaign for us and our employees have really felt the benefit both in receiving information / education and extra items of work wear. It also gave me a better focus on the weather conditions these individuals are exposed to.

The information provided on your website is excellent, although I could not access the leaflets for handing out at the time.

Our Occupational Health Department have helped promote this by offering mole mapping clinics and have invested in the appropriate machinery to do this. This offers our employees the opportunity to get early detection if they think they have any skin issues.

I did find that a lot of the people I have spoken about during this campaign were not aware of all of the facts about skin cancer and the different forms it can come in. Showing pictures and illustrations has helped us to demonstrate this better and raise awareness.

(Kelly Haughton - JCB Service)

Thursday, 28 August 2014

JCB Service Completes Step 1 towards becoming a Sun Safe Workplace - Risk Assessment

Congratulations to JCB Service for completing a UVR Exposure Risk Assessment for their employees.

“A Sample Risk Assessment has been uploaded. We have identified our "Outdoor Workers" and carried out individual Risk Assessments with each of them as they may do slightly different jobs or exposure times may vary. We have used your template which was easy to use and got us to the pertinent answers quickly.”

(Kelly Haughton - JCB Service)

JCB Service Completes Step 2 towards becoming a Sun Safe Workplace - Sun Protection Control Measures

Congratulations to JCB Service for implementing control measures to minimise the risk of exposure to solar UVR.

“Led by the Health & Safety Team all those identified as “outdoor workers” were individually Risk Assessed. There were under 10 people identified at different levels of exposure throughout the day. Discussions were held with each individual whilst carrying out the Risk Assessments and nobody had ever been sunburnt whilst at work. Information was given about the Sun Safe Campaign and why we were undertaking this. Facts and figures were given. Working with these individuals it was determined that SPF rated wide brimmed Hats and anti glare UV rated wrap around glasses would be offered and Sun Cream Stations were installed into their areas. The Stations have information on regarding the UV Rating and this is changed daily by their area Team Leader. This information is taken directly from the Skcin website. A Campaign was launched and a promotional board was displayed in the main Canteen containing all the information from the Skcin website. Engineering controls were explore”

(Kelly Haughton - JCB Service)

JCB Service Completes Step 4 towards becoming a Sun Safe Workplace - Sun Protection Policy

Congratulations to JCB Service for creating a Sun Protection Policy including why and how the solar UVR risk is to be managed in the workplace

“Here is evidence that we have written a Sun Safe Policy and included it into our 18001 Safety Management Policy which is signed for my the Managing Director. This policy is review by the Management team annually.”

(Kelly Haughton - JCB Service)

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Costain Ltd Completes Step 4 towards becoming a Sun Safe Workplace - Sun Protection Policy

Congratulations to Costain Ltd for creating a Sun Protection Policy including why and how the solar UVR risk is to be managed in the workplace

“Resource was very useful as a guide”

(Sharon Lawton - Costain Ltd)

Costain Ltd Completes Step 1 towards becoming a Sun Safe Workplace - Risk Assessment

Congratulations to Costain Ltd for completing a UVR Exposure Risk Assessment for their employees.

“The resources have been an essential guideline in assisting us, thank you”

(Sharon Lawton - Costain Ltd)